The Mind Is A Dangerous Place

Things that should boggle the mind but do not

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

It's 2008 people. Party people. Lovely people.

What did u do on New Year's Eve?

For me... it was pretty darn good. Went off to work in the morning for a few hours before heading to Kenneth's for AIRCON. Why aircon? Becos of 40 degree temperatures.

Dislike summer. I really do not like the sun's rays scorching my skin off. It reeks of ash. Like pokemon.

Anywaes, went swimming at his place... which was really really refreshing. Of course, the guys decided to go to the sauna and that form of lunacy still eludes me today. I dislike heat of that kind..... even if there was a hot bikini girl in that. I couldn't really see her anyways without my glasses.

Evening came, pizzas for dinner (we were too lazy to go out), some rounds of pictionary, and then!

The main event. Our NYE event.

Which is karaoke :D And you know how I love my karaoke. We sang/screamed (CRAWLING IN MY SKIN!!!!!/THIS ORANGE WILL NOT PEEEEEEEEL!!!!!) from 10 to 1am, with a brief 20 second interlude to screech HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!! to the various people in the world.

It was rather satisfying. We sang good songs. Jap songs. Good songs.

After the songs, we went through the absurdly packed city in search for food, and ended back at Kenneth's place for some dvds, food, drinks and finally... sleep :D

The next day is another party. But that's another story. There might be pics... if Steph gives me any.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

You people have been patient peeps haven't you? I adore patient peeps, almost as I adore teddy-bear-suited munchkins playing the age-old game of 'catching' in my store. So cuuuuuteeeeeeee, until they knock into something, toppling them.

Annnywaes, merry christmas and all. It's been quite a fun one for me. There was xmas dinner at fren's place and then another one on xmas eve! The christmas eve party was extremely satisfying because it meant a couple of days rest before work continued. I working in Chadstone on Sunday. Twas a 8pm to 2am shift.

Word to the wise.

Dun go to Chadstone during Xmas. It's insane. Like... really. Takashimaya on a bad day.

anywaes, worked there and it wasn't too bad. The busyness didn't bother me at all and I was pretty ok after work. Slept at 530am :D Ahh... the good ole days.

But. To pictures!

Because you've been such an attentive audience.


It's Santori time.


Who's cuter? Really... who!


The food. Oh the food. And the maestro of course.


Some pple. There were about 20 people in attendance that night.


Parents! Sis was in LONDON. She sent a Facebook msg which was something like, "I'm in London, went to see concert at Royal Albert Hall..."

At which I replied, "I. Hate. You."


AND.... and this is how to do things with relatives. You play charades. This is Saturday Night Fever. She was trying to do fever. L O L.

As said, it was a fun night.

Oh yar, u want to know about irony? The pictures were taken on a new Olympus camera. One that my parents got for me for Christmas.

The Michaels voucher is still in my bag :D

Au Revoir mon ami, New Years Eve approaches!