The Mind Is A Dangerous Place

Things that should boggle the mind but do not

Friday, August 01, 2008

Wow. Blogger's available in MALAY! Let's try it.

Dayung Sampan.......

Yepp, works alright after all!

Am nice and emo today. The past week has been horrendous, what with store shifting, loads of work, and a 4000 word assignment due in 5 days. Might pull through. Maybe.

Parents are off to Brisbane for fun! Mom's bday in a few days and thus, the Pop decided to take her down to Brisbane to celebrate. Good ole Dad and his ideas. Means some peace and quiet at home for a bit. Not like they are really noisy. Just parental stress is lessened somewhat.

Finally, perhaps a whinge from me, and as cryptic as it sounds - I don't belong. Think about it. I really don't belong.

And youtube clips.

We shouldn't blink. The world becomes friendlier. No one comments anymore. It's sad.


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