Here's an interesting link... i never knew coke machines could be hacked! click here
and i've never seen tennis players battle it out for 5 sets, ending with a 13/11 win. It's a wonder.
Things that should boggle the mind but do not
Here's an interesting link... i never knew coke machines could be hacked! click here
People hate me now. And for that I have to apologize. I simply do not have the capacity to remember all the important details that you all think I can remember. For eg... birthdays. For the life of me, I can never recall the birthdays of people unless told for the 985734986734967439th time. I do not know why. God knows I try but for a reason, that date seems to slip out of my mind and into the cracks of oblivion. It is pretty sad I know. And people hate me now. It's sad. I'm sorry.
And its done... Villain... a story 3 years in the making.. or was it 2.. nvm... ITS FINISHED. To read it.. go here