The Mind Is A Dangerous Place

Things that should boggle the mind but do not

Friday, April 14, 2006

Quick blog b4 I crash.... and how I will crash like a giant polar bear demanding his slumber. I'm sick you see, sick as a fluffy dog of flu-ridden fleas. Almost died at work, but somehow I managed to persevere.

Anywaes, cant go on for much longer, so would like to add that frens are cool. especially frens who come down to visit me in Zone 2 hours before I leave. It brings a warm feeling of absolute dread... fuzziness and tis cool! Thank you frens, u shall have complimentary peanuts when we next meet. So the shopping list is in place, the frens have been called, the meetings have been placed. Shall we depart?

I'll see you rabbits in a week... in the meantime, click.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

So, what's been up the past couple of days you ask? Or not ask... whichever the case. Well, not much on Saturday, saw a 12 year old girl sit near the family section reading the Kamasutra. Was pretty interesting. We tried various methods to subtly discourage her - the ahem tactic, and the can i help u there ploy both failed miserably and we watched her helplessly. Thank God for mothers who screamed for her to go home.

Anywaes, met up with the others for a night semi-out. No matter what we do, its good to see the gang again, even if it's a trifle changed. Sunday, went off for a walk with kenneth, where we saw a bikini-clad damsel who walked about town in 14 degree temps and howling winds for a commercial. I like my life indeed ;)

Also found a neat magazine/coffee area with hell lot of mags around.

Waht else.... did nothing for 2 days except watch Mai Hime. Which I must admit, is bloody good/addictive/dramatic and intense. Talk about drama and psychological destruction.

And my cds have arrived! I must say, am surprised at them. The Holstein one is pretty hardcore, but enjoyable. The sound is harder than I expected, but the feel of it is very unique. Plus their skills are definitely there.
The Multi Coloured Vox one is short, but very very good. They are the band to watch man. Very powerful playing style, catchy too.

I want my Acidman. Click on this link, and watch Sai. It's really damn good.