I have watched Schindler's List, and if the story is true, and the depictions of such suffering is true, then I seriously am not able to comprehend the extent of human hatred and love for segregation. For fellow Man.
I cannot understand how a person can hate another so much.
I cannot understand how a person can want to slaughter and entire race, just because somebody tells him to.
I cannot understand how a nation can wipe out a group of people, women and children as well, just because they cannot work. Just because they are different.
You would think it was only World War 2 that had such an incident. You are wrong. The Kosovo War involved the genocide of Armenians.
Genocide n. A deliberate extermination of a race of people.
Extermination of a race. The end of generations. Their culture, lives, destroyed, wiped out deliberately by others.
How can people do this? Why do they do this? Blood? Money? Jealousy? All of the above, with one thing connecting these answers. It's because they can. They have guns, numbers, a whole country's might. I could go on and on about the wonders of a gun and how it constitutes power. The power of life over another.
I kill because I can.
I get rid of you because I can.
People do this because they can.