I'll post pictures when I can, but keep your faith in me as I recount the various events for the past few weeks of my sad but very alive... life to you all budding listeners.
In no particular order... here goes...
Went to have Penguin Steak in Phillip Island. Ok, fine, no penguin steak, but I got to see penguins! Went to Phillip Island with family to bask in the various flora and fauna... and bake in 40 degree sun. For those in humid singapore, be thankful u need not experience 43 degree scorchers. As I type this, the weather report says that tmw, on Australia Day, we will have lovely 42 degree weather to thoroughly provide an authentic summer experience for all Australians and tourists alike. They can enjoy beautiful sunburns and cancer, complete with that charred smell of skin burning accompanied by the crackling of forest flames.
But I digress.
Phillip Island is a lovely place, with lots of things to do there. I saw koalas and... that was it. Was too hot to actually do anything. But in the evening, it got cooler... like much cooler... like rainy stormy cooler. Family went to the Penguin Parade an hour early to get good seats. Sat through pouring rain and wind and thunder and cold with only 2 ponchos (note: $5 glorified plastic bags) to cover each pair against the tides of weather. We paid to suffer. To see the Little Penguins. But then they came, these little birds of non-flight... and they were worth every groan and huddle from the rain.
To say they were cute is far from the actual huggableness these penguins exuded. They were absolutely adorable!!! Wanted to bring one home!!!! They waddle back into their dens and we followed. Us. Grown adults following tiny penguins to their homes like love-lorn puppies. Damn cute lor.
Got another event involving a dying penguin but I'll get to that when I get pics up.
What else what else. Still watching the tennis, on tv... drove at night, chinese new year is coming up and I spent a whole day at my Grandma's place making cookies. It's all good.
Plus I have a new comp and Fable is the fun.
Tired now, dun wanna talk, goodbye and good luck.