so it's come to this... a week without a blog... without any updates at all. And why? Why such a blank slate on which nothing... NOTHING... is written, be it rhyme or any reason at all? No inane ramblings, no dance of insanity, no bouts of epileptic fits. A week without PEP. Thank God.
My weekend went by pretty quickly. Caught Borat on Saturday with some frens and boy, it sure was funny. Started laughing from the opening title and never did stop til the end/ The antics of this 'professional from Khazistan' really can bring a person to tears. It makes America a little scary as well, but we all knew that already. Still, he is getting sued left, right and centre; his shows banned in oh so many places.
But controversy breeds publicity, and to that effect... sales. So it's all good. He makes money. We laugh. People get ridiculed. It all works out.
Sunday went to meet peter and stef for a walkabout which ended up as it was... an aimless walkabout... culmulating in a meeting with the others for dinner. Supposedly Liyan's last dinner/Max Brenner's meeting with us before she'll ever see us again... might be a tad exagerrated but that was what she thought. Depressing in its ways. She's lost her wallet as well in the midst of such bz times so *huggles*, let me know if u want any form of help and i'll call pple from the country.
Been playing KH2 the past few days and it really rox my world. That and manga... and anime... it's a boring life i lead. Should have gone Kayaking. Should have.
But pple didnt want me to go.