I will get through The Terror. I will! It's a good book, very well researched and described, and the whole atmosphere is terrific. It's just... I dunno... too well-researched and described. Very wordy. Am struggling through it. But I will get through it!
The pox is kinda over I guess. The marks are almost all gone, leaving holes and holes and holes. Nobody screamed and ran away from me today at work, so it's good. And the lack of itchiness was a big plus. The city visit was lovely. Been a while since I spoke to pple. Walked about, had lunch with the gang, killed Bunnehs with gang, and dinner and home. Simple. But I enjoyed meself.
Entertainment-wise, raved about Dennou Coil didn't I? Really really good. Am tempted to watch the last bits again. Also am now in the throes of Rome. It's bloody good. Literally bloody as well. With sex. But the politics and plot are awesome! You just get lost in all that's going on! Highly recommend it.
Been playing Warhammer 40k: SoulStorm. It involves the Sisters of Battle and Dark Eldar. And it's really hard. Try and try as I might, I cannot defeat 2 armies bent on my destruction. I just can't!
And on that note, mom is flying to Ipoh for a couple of weeks. bringing her there tonight! And bye!