The Mind Is A Dangerous Place

Things that should boggle the mind but do not

Wednesday, October 29, 2003


ladies and gents, the verdict is here, through hearing the cries for burn him and worship him, I settle this with 5 words.

Do you like Ferrari cars?

Yes, Kill Bill does rock. Quentin Tarowatshisname is a blardy genius. how to explain the genius? how to describe what actually goes on in a blood-filled, screaming, death fiesta peppered with humor and absolutely art (Trix are for kids). Think a kungfu story, a real one, not crappy ones like Crouching Tiger or Jackie Chan's "The somthingorrather". This is a kung fu story. Well... now that I think of it. It's more Japanese though. Ok, forget the last sentence. This is a samurai story. Not crappy ones like Matrix or anything else with a katana, this is real samurai shit. The gore u keep hearing about is there for a reason. Serious. Watch and see. The colors, the elegence at times and the sheer craziness that classify such a show are all there. It is fantastic. The anime sequence did justice for the show too. By Production IG, maker of Ghost in the Shell TV. Just some technical stuff ^^

BTW, bad stuff... cant really remember...well, didn't know assassins could miss from point blank range and erm... where did the heroine get all that money?
4.5 stars out of 5. 1/2 star gone for bad jap ^^

Song now: Shiro (Yoko Kanno) Trivia: Shiro means white in Jap.

Quote of the post: "Do you wanna fuck me?" (Gogo in Kill Bill)


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