The Mind Is A Dangerous Place

Things that should boggle the mind but do not

Thursday, October 23, 2003

Ok, pple are getting tired of my whining but dammit, I HATE THIS ESSAY!!! I hate being so unprepared. Hate not knowing what to write and not having the answers at my fingertips and handing in something horrid. Yes, pple are gonna tell me to do something about it and to this lot I declare, "bugger off!" In english means "Go Away".

Found another primary school fren on Friendster recently. Sigh, I see her, and her adventures, read her blog, realise I was in the presence of yet another fine-toned mind. Which basically puts me to shame. There she is, gorgeous, smart, talented and deep. With an active social life and classy too. And here I am, whining. *points at BUGGER OFF sign* Man, all primary school frens become pretty/handsome, smart etc, and here I am, almost 21, peak of my youth, trudging through essays. Y Y Y? Muz be the water...or something I ate when I was a child. Or maybe an old man came down to me when I was a kid and I kicked him and laughed and he cursed me forever more. Or maybe aliens came from space in a metal grey flying thingy and took me up for a brain scan anhd realised I was too smart for the human race's own good and decided to dummify me. Maybe. Oh lookee here, a Picnic bar. Cool!

Song now: Departure (Kenshin)

Quote of the post:
BearZ|JAVADETH: incest me now


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