The Mind Is A Dangerous Place

Things that should boggle the mind but do not

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

School has begun! And I'm happy!!! Well I was happy this afternoon, not now... after seeing my screwed up essay/exam schedule.... im dead. Seriously... dead. On a happier note (trying hard to be happy here), the day was beautiful! Blue skies, birds singing, sun shining, trees flowering. Just.... beautiful! And I met up with frens again and I got a H1 for marketing essay!!!!! H1!!!! It's my first one in like 2 years! Go eepin, go eepin, go eepin... *dances a little jig* Now that that's done, on to the dead part. Essays all cramped together. I'm doomed I think. Go eepin, go eepin, go eepin!

Song now: But Beautiful by Bill Evans
Quote of the post:

"I think I shall never see
A billboard as lovely as a tree
Indeed, unless the billboards fall
I'll never see the tree at all."

- Ogden Nash (1959)

Things we learn in lectures ;)


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