The Mind Is A Dangerous Place

Things that should boggle the mind but do not

Monday, September 29, 2003

It's 5am, cold, frens have all gone home and I've just watched a 3 hour movie. But i'm not tired. Nor am I depressed anymore. I suddenly realise how frens, a nice italian dinner, and a whole packet? bottle? of Tic Tacs can make a person much more cheery and happy. Probably am the luckiest guy in the world. Good thing? Definitely =) Huggles to those who showed worried faces, huggles to those who didn't too. I'm not Mr Grumpy Face anymore!!! And Candice!!! Getting together for dinners is good idea no? We could pore over ur script and make it biiiig!!!!! BIG!!!!!! Wheeee... still sugar-high. Let's not sleep tonite. Nah, who needs sleep. Better than drugs man. Not that I take it of course ^_^
Just watched LOTR: The Two Towers on DVD, was excellent as always. Makes me wanna read a David Gemmel book. For those poor fools out there, David Gemmel is a fantasy writer who does truely the best heroic fantasy out there. He's like my idol! The battles in his books are awe-inspiring and you can never tell what is going to happen. Heard about Gene Wolf too, wanna try him out. Anywaes, LOTR makes me wanna learn Elvish. Imagine swearing at someone you dun like in Elvish. How fun is that???? Sounds like a mix between French, German, and Arabic. I want to sound cool too!!!!!!

Still high. Shall Xenosaga. Yes.. shall... my preciousssss~~~~~ Btw, here's an interesting site. Wat's ur Elvish name? Mines Elessar Léralondë. I'm so cool.

Song now: Yellow by Tania Chua (it is sooo good!!!!)

Quote of the post: "Hello God it's me, are you awake?" Tanya Chua


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