The Mind Is A Dangerous Place

Things that should boggle the mind but do not

Friday, July 11, 2003

I'm baaack. Back from my trip in Sydney. As before, was in Sydney for several days, 4 or 5... was never good with numbers. Anywaes, just got back today. My frens and I travelled to Sydney by plane and came back by bus. Heh, plane flight was an hour, bus ride 12. What an experience. Sydeny is beautiful, but bz. It certainly has sights you can never see in Melbourne and has food which are weird but nice. The city is less pleasant in my opinion, though architecture is amazing. They have many old, Victorian structured buildings, pretty to the eye. But the city layout is disastrous. Think Singapore or KL and you'll know what I mean. We stayed in a small backpackers place where the rooms have certainly seen better days. The mornings are a little chilly but other than that, Sydney's weather is rather fair and cooling, while keeping to its sunny aspects. We saw so many things, I dunno where to begin. We walked a lot, trekked to most of the places we wanted to see: Opera house, the Rocks, Darling Harbour, etc. We also met up with some of the party's frens, and they showed us wat's nice to go and eat. Wanted to meet some of my own frens in Sydney but alas, they didn't have time. Apparently, this church convention called Hillsong was being held while I was there and they couldn't pull away. Ah well, I'll catch them in Sg then. Then, there are frens I met unexpectedly. Met one of them on a bridge by coincidence. She was there for Hillsong too. Talked a bit and left.

Let's see, what else. Not much, almost missed our bus due to some stragglers who decided to take their own sweet time. THe bus ride was long and boring, but I got some reading done and my MD saved the day. Dunno what I would do without it... sleep I guess. When we reached back in Melbourne, it was bloody cold. COLD!!!! Wanted to go back to sunny Sydney again. Moreover, the lack of sleep and hunger was sapping my energy as we trudged back home. Collapsed onto my beautiful, comfortable mattress and fell into a dream-filled slumber. When I awoke, it was afternoon and life begins anew once more. Btw, results out today. Was surprised at my stuff, things I tohught would be good ended up not so good, those not that good did better than most. Didn't do as badly as last term so was glad at that. Which reminds me, I have to get an email to my mom going. Need to tell her the erm.. semi-good news ^_^ Okies, outta here. Stay alive good people!


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