The Mind Is A Dangerous Place

Things that should boggle the mind but do not

Thursday, November 06, 2003

Wheeeee... juz watched Taxi 2, which was great! Very light-hearted, funny as hell and well... cool. It's good.
Didn't do much today. Wat's there to do? Study? I dunno how to start! ARGH. I'm not exactly worried for exams but... i dun have much of an idea of what to do... that's the problem.
Matrix Revolutions juz opened 30min ago in theatres in Melbourne. Watching it on Friday. Good? Bad? We'll see.

For those rushing essays, or have exams tomorrow. Good luck and all the best! Try not to fall asleep during papers yar? Eat sweets. Sweets!!!!! Foolish rabbit. Trix are for kids.

Song now: The Nephentes (L'Arc~en~Ciel)

Quote of the post: "Penis enlargement. I went to get that. But then, my balls looked small too. So I enlarged those as well. My knees seems small in comparison. So I went for another one, and one surgery led to another surgery and now, I'm fat!"


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