The Mind Is A Dangerous Place

Things that should boggle the mind but do not

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

A girl that's made me fall in love over and over
A lady who makes me remember moon days and rose nights
A sister who steals my blanket without fail...causing me to catch a cold, after which case she mercilessly torments my being and takes away my tissue paper...

*note... things may be a tad exageraated but the taking of blanket part is absolutely true*

But since it's her bday and all... it's all about her....

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Happy Bday to my one and only twin... you've given my life much more color (no pun intended dammit!), and made me laugh too much that I'll have to cut back in the later years of my life. You're an inspiration to me and sad to say, I do love you a lot. Sigh. Just refrain on the blanket-stealing and name-calling and we'll pull through another year ok?

PS: To all potential boyfrens, you do have to take the Sister and Twin test of approval, which involves buying us things so that we will be happy and give the thumbs up. Food will also be good.


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