The Mind Is A Dangerous Place

Things that should boggle the mind but do not

Friday, June 11, 2004

This is the story of a dog. Well, not much of a story than an account of a dog, who suddenly came into my life, left an impact, and disappeared again... for how long, I do not know.

Alright, ignoring the horrendous face that is moi... the cute thing is CJ. A Jack Russel. Cute as hell. And she is!!! So darn cute. The way she just pads over and looks at me quietly. The way she sleeps if I have her on my lap. She's soooo.... angelic.

Then she goes psycho and tries to kill me and does 1432956 laps round the dining table and tries to eat pple, things and pple. We used newspapers to hit her, we tried spraying her with water... all of which she shrugged off after a while. Only sure fire thing that works is throwing her around. But that sudden change is scary. Devil, angel, angel devil. And now... she's gone. She has a special place in my heart now.. .feel like owning a dog... apart from the taking care of part. We'll see. Come back CJ!!!!



Thank you for submitting "The boy at the end of the world" to the
Fortean Bureau. Unfortunately, this story isn't quite right for the
Fortean Bureau, so I'm going to pass. Thanks again, and best
of luck to you with it elsewhere.

Jeremy Tolbert
Sarah Tolbert
Fortean Bureau

My first rejection letter... how cool is that!!!! Pretty soon, I'll have a whole lot of them!! And I can recycle them!!! If they were made of pple... which they aren't. Go figure.

Work is not going well... i keep not wanting to do this (I AM BLOGGING!!!), I'm on schedule.. but it's going slow... could be faster.. but I can't be bothered. ARGH.

And finished Hikaru no Go today! All 74? epis!!!! I am BO LIAO! Yay!


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