The Mind Is A Dangerous Place

Things that should boggle the mind but do not

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Yes, blame it on a black star. Had a Xmas dinner on sat night, which was pretty all right. Was a potluck thing which for reasons, felt like other potluck dinners. Just with more presents. We also played the Game of Life, which taught us that getting an education is not really the way to go. Rather, be a corrupt policeman and the world will be your 90k salary oyster. That, or a corrupt, salary-stealing teacher.

Sunday I watched Bee Movie... which was like watching a loooong Seinfeld episode. It was funny, not laugh out loud funny though. The first Shrek did better methinks. Evening, went with Vic to church. Yes... church. For some xmas thing. Basically, I thought the boy meant a Xmas party when he invited me. But turns out to be a Xmas event at church instead. Wasn't a bad thing. There were some carols sung and the usual worship songs. Also Ams brother who was leading the singing which was quite cool. Bumped into Am there, her being there to support said brother.

Dinner with Kenneth was amusing cause I have not seen the blighter for a couple of weeks. Got him a Gear Of Year calendar, at which he thanked me. THANKED ME. For a gift which I could not stop laughing about. There goes the gag gift.

Work tmw. Earlier as well. Woot.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lets hv a CNY party xDDD i want to go... =3= whats with the Banana thingo... so farny... = ="

8:03 PM  

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