The Mind Is A Dangerous Place

Things that should boggle the mind but do not

Saturday, October 30, 2004

And that's it. It's all over, my life as a poor Melbourne University student is officially... OVER. That is unless I fail my essays and exams and do summer. But that would be too sad and loserish dun you think?
So wat have I learnt in my final semester of school? What interesting and life-changing experiences have I gained in exchange for 12000 dollars a year?

International Relations: White skin is probably more valuable.

Advanced Writing: It's amazing what cheezels, popcorn and beer can do to a class.

Terrorism: Society evolves through the use of prepositions. We first declare war with other countries, then having conflicts or wars in other countries and now declare war on other countries.

Cyberculture: A lot.

And I made a fren in like.. the last 2 tutes of international relations. How very interesting. Yes, I am THAT anti-social. Now I have a studymate for exam.

Til next time... and yes, my future is as uncertain as a block of tofu in the middle of the Adriatic Sea.


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