The Mind Is A Dangerous Place

Things that should boggle the mind but do not

Friday, June 25, 2004

Sorry for the lack of updates, the world has caught up with me. But I dun wanna say much, other than that being in a car... for a day... with nuttin to do... is not a condusive use of a day. Nor is watching Iron Chef so stop it JO!!!!!!

Watched Shrek 2, was a blast. Definitely worth the money to watch, and laugh. Definitely. The jokes are fast and furious... damn farnie.

Also watched Super Sized Me... Maccers doesn't look that appetizing now. And... there was a conversation about God... wat fun wat fun.

No... it's not fun, I was kidding.

Ams is gone to Singapore. Have a great flight dearie... buy me... I dunno. Sigh. Dun even noe wat i want. Ah well...


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