The Mind Is A Dangerous Place

Things that should boggle the mind but do not

Monday, April 19, 2004

Lookee.. an update at 420am. Yes, I've been doing work, fun eh? No. Not fun. I poke ur eyeballs out you swine of a kangeroo.

Met Ams today, chance meeting during lunch. Was nice to see her, but she looked so tired, and had bruises all over!!! WHO BULLIED YOU AMS????

Candz wanna be an activist. Still remember the discussion over being left and right, the idealists vs the greedy realists.

Nabz is sad over fren leaving. And I say dun cry..... cause frens will be frens. And the internet is a marvel.

And the meaning of life is 42. Y? Go figure.

Amanda's selling earrings. Nice ones too. I'll post the link to her new site later... but if anyone is interested... buzz me :)

And im serious, the meaning of life is 42. And we hold on to hope cause we can.

I need a girlfren. So that I can intro her Amanda's earrings. That's the deal folks. Start searching.


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