The Mind Is A Dangerous Place

Things that should boggle the mind but do not

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

I'm fucked. Not fucked as in fucked by someone as in attacked and raped by horny females, a dream that would never be realised due to my non-existant stamina and the tendency to lash out and kick pple, no matter how horny they are. And the chastity belt. But yes. I'm fucked. Not fuck care as in I do not care particular about something so much so that if it jumped off the Effiel tower, I would go "Fuck that" and get jiggy with it. But yes, I'm fucked.


I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO DO THE ESSAY I HAVE IN FRONT OF ME. I dun even noe what to choose. Now that's... fucked.

Something to make me feel better:

"Most of all, he liked her, the maiden named first for a salad. Not only lust and love, then. For liking surely was the most dangerous. Lust might burn out and love grow accustomed. But to like her was to find in her always the best -of herself, himself and all the world."

- Rapunzel (Tanith Lee)


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