The Mind Is A Dangerous Place

Things that should boggle the mind but do not

Monday, March 29, 2004

I just got up. It's like 1pm now. Oh man, sleep felt good. I hadn't slept the whole night save 2 hours give or take. All nabz fault. Always there to spoil sleeping plans. I mean, sleep man!!!! Buuuut, it was worth it... i mean, I got to see funny stuff and had a great chat that night.

And the bbq. Beautiful food. Juz great. Sumptious. Perfect. And filling. That's good you know. Nabz, if u see nan and huizhan, give them my compliments. I dun think I managed too. And you see, everything worked out alright, even though the pit didn't work. Or leonard spilt the bowl of sauce after ramming the elevator doors. Or we had no candles. Birthdays have a way of working out.

And there's next year :) Another birthday, another year, another wealth of experiences untold. Perfect. Makes me feel like writing a poem, but no. I shall not succumb to temptation and give you pple something bad.

Watched Man U vs Arsenal yesterdae. Good match. Henry scored first but Man U drew with Saha's goal in the last 5 minutes. Then things went crazy from there. Good match though. Finished at 3am. Then chatted with Angie and Grace for another hour, with foot powder and erm... crappy cameras. So I went ito slumber at 4am. And here I am now. Gonna skip lectures. Watch me pple. I am baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.


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