The Mind Is A Dangerous Place

Things that should boggle the mind but do not

Monday, January 12, 2004

Thumb and fingers hurt. Am sleep deprived (3 hours of sleep in the last 30 hours). I keep seeing flashes of light and fighting 3D characters every time I close my eyes.

Yes, I just came back from 12 hours of Soul Calibur 2 at frens place, u clever pple.

Summary: Was fun, am tired, need sleep, want a hug from a pretty gal... any takers? No? Hmmm.... and here I thought my deliciouslu ugly face would be a riot for all the beauties out there. No? Hmm.. I muz be more tired than I thought. My bad.

Highlight of the day? Whole family WALKING OUT of a concert cause my sister wasnt playing in it anymore. Wow. I have such a music/art-loving family. Walking out. Yes, I cant believe it myself. I love this place.

Song now: Some song by Sun Yan Zi

Quote of the post:

"A woman usually takes a longer time to know intimately, unless they're drunk, but these days that sort of behaviour leads to jail time and caning, so we all agree that it's probably best not to waste time trying to understand women."

- Edwin Yeo, Earth to women come in pls


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