The Mind Is A Dangerous Place

Things that should boggle the mind but do not

Sunday, November 23, 2003

I'd like to believe I'm deeper than I know
I'd like to believe I'm more interesting than I know
I'd like to believe I can do things better than I know
I'd like to believe I'm cooler than I know
I'd like to believe I'm a better friend than I know
I'd like to believe I'm nicer than I know
I'd like to believe that my future will be alright
I'd like to believe that there is a love out there for me
I'd like to believe in something.
I'd like to believe that Superman would really make the world alright.

But he doesn't, cause Batman shot him with a kryptonite bullet. Bad Batman!!! badabadabadabadabadabada.....

call me out pple!!! ME IS BORED!!!!! With a capital BOR!!!

Song now: Naima's Love Song (Betty Carter)

Quote of the post: "Pretty please, with sugar on top. Now go clean the fucking car!" (Pulp Fiction)


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