It's times like this that I really have to wonder whether I'm doing my best out here, not just wasting my time. Was at an internet cafe playing C&C Generals with my friends. Killed them all, I have the tactics...but feels hollow inside. Maybe it's because I was using up assignment time. Maybe not. It's 3am once again, and I'm gonna devote 2 hours of my time before going to sleep. Another waste of a good day. A student's life I guess.
My friend headed over to JB HiFi to get the Animatrix, spurned on by the wondrous movie that is the Matrix Reloaded. I wasn't that wowed though, too much action, too little plot, usual digs. Damn hype. Animatrix is different though, it's like art. Or maybe I'm just attracted to it for it's anime quality...being the hormonally charged teenager I am.
So many maybes, so little time to ponder.
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