The Mind Is A Dangerous Place

Things that should boggle the mind but do not

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Talk about eventful. Seriously. I cannot keep this up for long. I seriously need a break. Been showing my frens around the place, usual stuff. That's not the point though.

So yesterday, I decided to have a nice day/night in. Read my book, watch my shows. Relax. But a fren called me in the evening, asked if i could accompany her to shop a bit. So i did. Showed her the various dangerfield stores there were in the vincinity. Got myself another top. I really should stop spending money, but like heroin, I cna't really stop. Hmm.. nor can I spell... or have consistent i's, but that's another story.

Anywaes, after shopping was Lygon street, a 30 minute walk from where we were. And I had steak. Lots of steak. Steaks and steaks til the cows stuffed me full. It's that bad. That done... went home... and visited my neighbour.

Now, let it be known that visiting Amanda's housemates, my neighbours, Grace and Angie, is never uneventful. When I popped by, Angie had a fren over. A fellow Melb Uni student who had just came to Melb and had asked for special permission to stay at her place (she having to live in a suburb in GNW (God Noes Where). So, with me already dressed, and her new to the town, I suggested going out. Oh yar.. the gal's called Adrianne.. or something like that. So the 2 of them agreed, and we waited for Grace aka. Party Gal, to come home. When she arrived, we all left the house. Locking the door. Taking the lift down. Forgetting to bring the keys. Yes, the 2 brilliant housemates of mine had forgotten to take their keys. Soooo fun. And there wasn't any way we could get in without having to fork up 180 bucks for a locksmith. We weren't going to fork up 180 bucks for a blardy locksmith. So we went... walking. To Hairy Canary for coffee... to Crown for non-existant fire, and around the Yarra, taking the longest ways to go home, in the cold, singing songs... ahem, blasting songs into the night.

Pretty scary.

Pretty fun too. Reminds me of Singapore, been a while since I did that ;)

And they stayed at my place, taking blankees and heaters and what not. And Grace, aka. Party Gal, finally got her sleep (deprived of it for a couple days... substituted with fun, which I suppose is a good trade-off), as did Angie. And Adrienne did her crossword puzzle. And I dun like to leave pple doing things by themselves in my room while I did nuttin to be the good host, I engaged her in conversation.

It was fun. I miss making frens and that time was a grand time. Making frens with a pretty gal is a bonus too. End result was me having 5 hours of sleep b4 meeting Bean to go travelling the next day. Which was today. At Mornington Penninsula and Chadstone. And I wanna die now. Am tired. But still I write. Alas, curse my unforgiving fingers.

Neighbours managed to get into their house.

But not b4 getting laughed at by their agent ;)

Life is fun.


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