I am le tired. And today is drop-book-day. It's the day where EePin drops every other book he holds in his buttery hands. Worked from 9am to 10pm today... effectively 830am to 1030pm but you dun want to know about that. You want to know about bday!
And to bday it is then.
Actual day was relatively uneventful, had a lot of work that day and near the end, colleagues got me a cake! Which still sits in the store's refridgerator...
Evening went to an italian restaurant with mighty pricey italian food but has one of the best steaks you can ever have. It was cooked to perfection, charred on the outside and so damn juicy within... absolutely beautiful.
Then it was home again, with the bday cake and song etc.
Bday booty? An odd guitar slider from sis, a wallet from cousin and a red blazer from mom.
Happy Bday me!
Sat was the large bday dinenr with the gang + others (roughly 20 pple). Was sharing the bday with Vic, who turned 22 the day before my own. Twas an interesting evening as you'll see.
We went to Universal Pizza on Lygon, famed for its cheapness, its buffet...
And its 1kg steak. Yes, that is a 1kg steak, draped in delicious mushroom sauce, setting me back roughly 32 bucks.
It's worth it though.
Thats the steak compared to the usual 250g porterhouse. Note the difference. Note the large size difference. Record it down for your enjoyment.
This is a 1kg steak.
And me and some others attempted it. We joked with such bravado, and ate with such gusto.
This is me after 4/5ths to the end. I had to give some to a fren, as well as spitting out the disgusting fat.
Still... it was a good steak.
Then it was to cake (again), of which we had a mild fire emergency (lack of flame).
oh yes, vic and me. How gay? Very gay...
I am shivering now. Do not mind me.
Bday booty: A Mossimo shirt and Country Road bag (bought the next day thanks to a lady who came so late... the stores closed...)
and that's it. damn tired now. go home.
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