The Mind Is A Dangerous Place

Things that should boggle the mind but do not

Monday, March 14, 2005

It all began with a snipe. A snipe at me. Now, me being insulted isnt a new thing. I can take it, I can let the words just flow by me and smile. But he insults my frens. He questions my judgement in choosing them, he insults my frens' integrity and capabilities. Can they get me a job indeed. So I snapped and I said bad things. It's my fault for getting hot-headed and I AM guilty. I don't care if he treats me bad or uses me as an targeting board in front of billions. I don't give a damn. My ego protects me. I'm more matured than that. But not my frens. Never that.

Tried to apologize but couldn't. Gutless to the max man. So it's the letter for me. America's favourite form of communication.


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