The Mind Is A Dangerous Place

Things that should boggle the mind but do not

Sunday, February 08, 2004

What do you call the bond that is in-between being a friend and being lovers?

ok, gonna be a rather long blog so wake up pple.

To begin, I'd wanted to catch Lost in Translation a month before. Firstly, it's Bill Murray (I so miss him in movies), it's something about Japan, and supposedly arthouse. Yes, I sound like some arty farty braggart of a man, which I admit, is a fun role to play. Anyways, the movie had to go win Golden Globe awards and get nominated for Oscars, resulting in everybody wanting to catch it NOW, and I had to sit in the 4th row. And was it worth it?

I believe the West has an Eastern/Japan fetish. And it's serious. The themes can be seen in the movie. And it irks me. There is only so much ignorance I can take.
Lost in Translation is a show about how a Western movie star (Bill Murray) stays in Japan for an advertisement shoot, and finds himself lost in a world that is totally different from his. Accompanying him is some girl of whose name (on screen and off) suddenly eludes me. Together, they attempt to make their life in Japan a little better.
Now, the movie moves like a travel documentary. The director enjoys scenic pictures. Mount Fuji, the cityscape, temples, sunsets, which is all beautiful, well and good but I swear if I see another 30 second shot of a character staring out his window to view the gorgeous city that is Japan, I'll scream. These scenes are SLOW. Thus, making the damn movie SLOW! Which isn't good. Arthouse or not.
The storyline is... slow. Don't get me wrong, it's good and fulfilling in a way (ending is very touching), but just slow. You find out what's really happening 3/4 way in the movie. The meaning of life and stuff like that.
The characters are great. They were awesome. Bill Murray shines and keeps the movie alive, thank God for him. Female does well too. Playing the 'dunno wat the hell im doing' chance-friend of Bill. Together, they hold on and show us a bond that is undeniable. Something that's beyond frenship, yet can never be love. The part's wonderful when you come to it.
The show is definitely funny. You'll laugh and laugh through the first 30 min. Then, as the show slows down again, the audience tries to find anything funny to help them out. Scattered chuckles at random unfunny events come up and there are sounds of fidgeting. The show becomes draggy and strained. Now that I think of it, perhaps that's what the director was trying to do. Interesting.
Now the fetish part. It's just Japan dammit. Yes, it's different. No, it's not real. The whole movie is an illusion, a farce of an urban jungle that is Japan. I find it great that the West is trying to understand Eastern culture, but don't go too far! NOT ALL CHINESE PPLE KNOW KUNG FU! NOT ALL JAPANESE PPLE SPEAK SO BADLY! Though most do... ahem. Yes, we love your Coke, your Hollywood, your bloody Western clothes and culture, but we keep our own too. Don't you dare corrupt them too.
Now that Western bashing is done, I give the movie 3 stars. Which is sad. Cause I really want ot recommend to you, but I can't. Go see for urselves and then we can argue.

I'm not done yet. saw a drum band today. And they rocked. They put their all in their music, I couldn't help but be touched by their enthusiasm. I wish I was like that.
I bought shoes too.
And finally, met Lil and Wen and Arp today. It's like a decade since I last saw this babe. And she was... wow. Funny, witty, beautiful with an aura of elegence and sophistication (I should get paid now). I had a grand time chatting with her, I hope she did too. I think I talk too much. Correction, I know I talk too much. AND I FORGOT TO TAKE PICTURES!!!! I buy a $700 camera and I forget to take pics. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anywaes, I hope we meet up again before I leave. Still got so much to talk about. And pictures. A DECADE DEAR!!!! A DECADE!!!!! My God. Or Goodness Gracious Me ;) (only if you're reading this) And blog dammit. I won't ask again. I need to know what's going on in your life.


Quote of the post: "No please! No pleaseeee!!" Lost in Translation


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